Monday 25 July 2011

Open Letter to Nick Clegg - Thanks to Sue Marsh

Reading your policy on Equality I was pleasantly surprised to see you "will ensure that our laws reflect that diversity, protecting all from violence, discrimination and harassment and allowing everyone the freedom to live their lives". From personal experience I assure you the proposed, well publicised changes to the Welfare Act, particularly regarding disabled people, ensure that we are far from protected. I face prejudice and harassment regularly from the DWP and believe this is something YOU can help with. Please use the delay in the 2nd reading of the Welfare Reform Bill to reconsider the damage the changes within it, is doing to disabled people; and to take note of the numerous concerns voiced by individuals and organisations. Then please use your own position and power to make sure the reform changes do not  only seriously breach your own policies but perhaps more importantly, do not further add to the burdens and barriers already experienced by disabled people.